User-Led Innovation

We live in a time when customers are more involved in business processes than ever before. But do most companies realize that their customers can also help them innovate? Find out how to co-opt your customers as innovation partners in this webinar led by Chief Innovation Officer Dr. Phil Samuel.

It’s ironic—most companies have R&D labs and marketing departments that identify unmet needs and develop new ideas for meeting them. But professor Eric Von Hipple of MIT, and other researchers, have demonstrated that this approach is often misguided.

Mountain bikes weren’t invented by a bike manufacturer, and gas chromatographs weren’t developed by an R&D lab. In fact, a large percentage of solutions and innovations were initially developed by a customer out of necessity. This webinar will cover how you can collaborate with lead users to innovate and reduce the risk associated with developing new products and services.

After watching this webinar, you’ll be able to:

  • List the sources of innovation and the role of lead users.
  • Describe various collaborative approaches to co-creation.
  • Describe the toolkits for lead users.
  • Describe solution development with suppliers.
  • Discuss the open innovation approach.