Time In – Time Out: Make the Most Out of Your Process Lead Time Data

Never again overlook the wealth of information buried in your lead-time data. This webinar covers how to collect, look at and analyze time-in, time-out data and how to leverage lead-time data to drive improvement activity.

We are surrounded by process times and are constantly driving for faster-faster-faster. Along the way we collect thousands of data points surrounding delivery and lead time that can be used to our advantage. However, we too often find that surprisingly few companies extract all information out of this data.

Using a real-life example, this webinar, led by Principal Dr. Michael Ohler, will demonstrate how the standard analysis of data at the start of a project can drive increased improvement opportunities.

In this webinar, you’ll learn:

  • Six angles to look at and analyze time-in, time-out data.
  • How to collect lead time data in continuous and discontinuous processes.
  • How to leverage lead time data to drive improvement activity.

Looking to learn more about data analytics? Explore our DataMaster certification program.